Dating During The Holidays

Basic CMYKSo is it better to be alone at family gatherings during the holidays or bring a date? My experience tells me go alone! If your family is like most, it is stressful enough during the holidays and why drag an innocent and potential mate along. I think the rule of thumb is if you have been dating awhile and feel the relationship is going somewhere then it is okay to bring them along to meet the family. I find I don’t enjoy myself because I am worried my family will embarrass me and what they will think of my date. I know my family will be scrutinizing this guy and comparing him to other relationships in my life. Who needs that stress? Better yet, if the relationship doesn’t work out then at the next holiday gathering, the family is wondering what happened to your man. You can see the thoughts running through their heads….What happened to the last guy?” “Will she ever get married?” “Why can’t see stay in a relationship? The list goes on.

Every family is dysfunctional so why subject your new potential beau to the craziness? Keep this relationship under wraps for as long as you can until you think it may be long term! The best way to enjoy the holidays with your crazy family is alone!!!

Happy Holidays!

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