Why Do Men Do That? Wednesdays 5/22/13

Direct quote from my friend who continues to have bad first dates!!!!

“I’m not sure which was the worst part of yesterday’s Match.com date.  Was it that he described his “studio apartment” as a 10″ x 12″ room in a Victorian house? Or was it his 1993 rusted filthy Toyota with paint peeling that he bragged was “completely paid off”.  Or was it that he told me he liked to use whipped cream during sex, and that he at times had sent pics of his penis to women who wrote him on Match.com? Or was it that the place I picked for our meeting place he considered way too upscale and said he didn’t go to those types of places.  or was it….hmmmmm….GAH.  This is why I am still single.”

Seriously??? What are these men thinking?  And the frustrating part is they put on such a good act in emails and initial conversations so you are duped into thinking they are NORMAL!




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